"Study with a rainbow in mind, and you'll find an A at the end."

Team Contract

Team Members & Contact Info

  • Mark Burgess - mhburg@hawaii.edu - .crepes#0086
  • Christopher Pascual - casp@hawaii.edu - asiuanns#0921
  • Tung Ngyuen - tungxn@hawaii.edu - PikachuUseChidori#7638
  • Alden Paroni - aparoni@hawaii.edu - strwbrrytwlght#8179
  • Audrey Soares - amsoares@hawaii.edu - auDRey#1220


  1. Contribution Criteria. What criteria will you use to decide if a member has contributed effectively? Examples can include: level of professionalism, leadership, timeliness of attending meetings and submitted work, and willingness to collaborate.
    • Amount of work completed
    • How much documentation was recorded
    • Communication with other team members
  2. Behavioral Criteria. What criteria will you use to decide if a member has behaved appropriately? Examples include providing feedback without criticizing, being on time and prepared, honoring the terms of this contract, and listening to each other.
    • Doesn't sabotage (project or morale)
    • Communication w/ Team
  3. Managing conflict. How will the team manage conflict or disagreement?
    • If it’s between 2 members, ask for 3rd opinion
    • Hold team meeting if no solution found
  4. Failure to honor the contract. What will happen if someone fails to honor the terms of this agreement?
    • We try to talk it out, ask for reasonings
    • Reduce contribution points
    • Ask for intervention from prof
    • Give em an F
  5. Signatures. The document should conclude with the “signatures” of each team member. You can provide signatures any way you want, but you cannot “sign” for someone else.
    • Team member italicizes their name at start of page